Photoshop插件滤镜特效包 Topaz Plugins BundleMacOSX(含序列号+注册机)
Topaz插件可以帮助业余和专业摄影师完成的最常用的创意照片后期工作。 15种强大的功能且易于使用,用户可以快速提升他们的数码图像,易于应用和定制灵活的调整 – 只需轻轻点击!
Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 是鼎鼎大名的顶级的Photoshop滤镜插件包,整合了15种非常强大易用的优秀滤镜插件!可以帮助你轻松实现梦幻般的效果!滤镜包括曝光滤镜、降噪手绘滤镜、马赛克修复、磨皮降噪、图像锐化、镜头滤镜、抠图滤镜、艺术绘画滤镜等!
包含15个插件,支持CS4/CS5/CS6/CC/CC 2014/CC 2017
Topaz Adjust
Magical contrast, detail, and color adjustments.
Topaz B&W Effects
Develop stunning black and white photography.
Topaz Clarity
Flawless image definition through intelligent contrast.
Topaz Clean
Creative smoothing effects with edge and texture control.
Topaz DeJPEG
Increase the image quality of your JPEG photos.
Topaz DeNoise
Excels at removing noise while preserving image detail.
Topaz Detail
Creative detail enhancement with no halos or artifacts.
Topaz InFocus
Sharpen your image by removing shake and motion blur.
Topaz Lens Effects
Creative effects derived from real-world lens and filters.
Topaz ReMask
The quickest and easiest way to mask your photo.
Topaz ReStyle
Over 1000 unique photographic effects.
Topaz Simplify
Turn your photos into watercolors, paintings, and other fine art.
Topaz Star Effects
Add realistic star and lighting effects to your photos.
Topaz photoFXlab
Standalone image editor specializing in image effects.
Topaz Glow
Illuminate your photos with electrifying light.
Topaz Impression
Turn your photographs into works of art.