Lost LeBlanc – 失落的创作者学院 – 金奖
在学院的创意方面,有 60+ 视频和计数教您:
- 如何使用相机并充分利用它
- 在巴厘岛拍摄电影视频、在东京拍摄人像等幕后花絮
- 关于我最喜欢的一些编辑的分步教程,例如“睡眠可以等待”。我为印度尼西亚旅游局制作的视频。
- 我如何编辑我最近的病毒视频的缩略图, 如何去巴厘岛旅行.
- Photoshop和Lightroom大师班等等!
在学院的商业方面,我们有 40 多个视频可以教您以下内容:
- 如何找到土地合作和付费客户(包括我的电子邮件模板)
- 如何在有或没有追随者的情况下获得报酬!
- 如何让您的视频在 YouTube 上的热门搜索结果中名列前茅
- 如何掌握Instagram算法并开始成长
- How to negotiate and price yourself (real industry rates)
- How to create and sell a product
This is just a small preview of the essential lessons in LCA that WILL change the way you run your business.
The academy is incredibly comprehensive but no matter what, it won’t be able to answer all your questions which is whyall members who join Lost Creator Academy will have immediate access directly to me personally in our private Facebook community.I get hundreds of emails, comments, and DMs asking questions every day and sadly I can’t respond to most of them but this private community is where I will be investing my time to provide you the foundation you need to overcome the challenges ahead.
And one of the best parts about the exclusive LCA group is the community of like-minded content creators. This is the group that will support you through the highs and lows and the group that will motivate and holds you accountable to your goals. You are a product of the people you surround yourself around so start building that network right here today.
“I’m not sure I can do it…”
In 2018, Christopher Lau took the Lost LeBlanc teachings and ran with it. With no experience using a camera, he dropped his job at LinkedIn to chase his passion and today he is a full-time content creator traveling the world. Just yesterday I received a message from Ky who told me that he was able to apply some of my lessons to land a paid client trip to Japan with a tour company. And all that was done with just 1.2K followers on Instagram. This is the power of when you combine both the creative and the business knowledge as a content creator, and I can’t wait for you to be the next success story.
I remember one of my early contracts charging myself out at 500 USD when a smaller channel did the same campaign for 5K USD. I remember launching my first product only to sell it to 10 people on the opening day because I had no idea what I was doing! And I remember how much that amount of money meant to a broke backpacker back in the day, but if I had had the support and knowledge of LCA early on, this investment would have returned itself in so many ways that this amount would have easily been one of the best investments I could have made in myself and in my career.
Lost LeBlanc – Lost Creator Academy Teaser: https://lostleblanc.com/products/lost-creator-academy